Questions? Reach out to Matt Riggins (mriggins@gpartners.org) or 717-877-2313


RUNNING WATER FOR THE LIVING WATER began in 2016. Since then, runners and walkers on our team have brought clean water to thousands. After the 2023 season, the 242nd well funded by the team was dedicated!

For the 9th year in a row, we will be participating in the 2024 Harrisburg Marathon and relay. As individuals, families, friends, and churches, we will join together to raise funds for clean water in South Asia and Uganda. Race day is the finale to our fundraising season and a symbolic "crossing of the finish line" as we celebrate what God has done. A few months after the race, runners/donors will receive a personalized video of the well they helped provide. You're invited to join us! 




In communities throughout the world, families just like yours struggle to find clean water or have to live on an insufficient or rationed supply of water. When you fundraise with us, you not only make an impact, but you also get to see the smiles you have brought to a specific village! These photos are from our team's 200th well celebration in February 2023. 

Wells are typically dedicated 2-5 months after the race. If you raise enough for a whole well ($2600), we'll send you (and/or your team) a personalized video* of the dedication, plus pictures, GPS coordinates and details from the village your well was installed in.

  • We work with partners on the ground in South Asia (and more recently, Uganda), to find villages and areas most in need of a clean water source.
  • See examples at the bottom of this page.
  • *If you raise funds for a partial well, you will still receive village details and a video, but the video will also thank the other runners whose funds were pooled together with yours.



We use Classy to raise funds for clean water. Check it out here and contact mriggins@gpartners.org if you have any issues setting it up.

We encourage and challenge you to set a team goal of raising $100 per mile. (For a marathon relay team, this will fund an entire well!) We also encourage the team captain to attempt to raise the most even if they are not running the longest leg. 

Fundraising Ideas

There are endless ways to raise support for a good cause, but we have a few ideas to get you started.

  • Use your Skills: Do you have a skill set you could leverage to bring hope? Lawn care or yard work, music lessons, hair or makeup services, childcare and handmade products can all be offered for donations.
  • Sponsorship: Do you know a business or resturaunt owner who may be interested in supporting your cause with a sponsorship package? See more details in the Sponsorship section of this page.
  • Giving Up to Give Back: Is there something you could give up for a few weeks (Coffee run, ordering takeout, a subscription service, etc) to contribute to your cause?
  • Special Occasions: On your birthday, anniversary, or Christmas, ask family and friends for donations instead of gifts
  • Friendly Competition: Start an office, family or Vacation Bible School penny war to see which team can gather the most change.
  • Dare for a Cause: Adventurous types may enjoy a "Dare" style campaign, such as promising to shave your beard, get a pie in the face or record yourself lip-syncing a song if supporters help you reach your donation goal.

Printable Fundraising Letters and Materials


You're invited to join us as we celebrate the finale of fundraising season at the Harrisburg Marathon. By running a relay leg of 5-8 miles or the full marathon, you can symbolically take on the miles that families no longer have to travel in search of a water source.  

Race Registration and Coupon Code

The race no longer offers mail in registration for 2024.  Register Online for the race here.
The coupon code TRW24 will take 20% off of the current price. 
Price increases for all race distances take place June 1, August 1, October 1, November 5 and November 10. Visit this page for pricing details. 

Race Day Schedule (Subject to Change)

Race Day Schedule
6:30 am - Arrive to City Island, find a parking lot. And make your way to "the Hill" where we will gather together. 
7:00 am - We will have a time of prayer & worship, and take a team picture.
7:30am - The Full Marathon & First Relay leg begins
8:15am - The Half marathon begins
11:30-1:30 pm - Post Race Party @ City Island

Order T Shirts

Team Running Water T Shirts are $20 each. These are not required but they do help to build community awareness of our goal and encourage others to get involved. 
T Shirt Deadline: October 20.
There are multiple ways you can pay for a shirt:
  1. Order & Pay Online (LINK HERE)
  2. Send funds via Venmo @gppd2003 (Global Partners)
    • Please include in comments that it's for raceday shirt payment
  3. Bring a check/cash to the Friday night rally (or give to Matt)
    • Write check out to "Global Partners" or "GPPD"


Classy is our fundraising platform. Check it out here and contact mriggins@gpartners.org if you have any issues setting it up.


We encourage and challenge you to set a team goal of raising $100 per mile. (For a marathon relay team, this will fund an entire well!) We also encourage the team captain to attempt to raise the most even if they are not running the longest leg. 

Course and Event Details

Sunday, November 10, 2024

For 4-person Marathon relay teams, there are 2 routes, which combine to make 26.2 miles. 


Printable Letters and Postcards

Interested in sending letters to prospective donors or business sponsors? Click here to view all printable documents.

Training Plans

We are not affiliated with any training coaches, but we are including links to a few resources that may be helpful to those just starting out in their running journey.


Personal or corporate sponsors can designate funds to a specific runner/team or the group goal.  95% of your donation will go directly to well installation!  Sponsors can choose to be featured on the back of the team t shirt or remain anonymous. Feel free to reach out to mriggins@gpartners.org with any questions.


(Please note in the comments that you would like to become a sponsor)


Sponsorship Levels - - - Diamond - - - Gold - - - Silver - - - Bronze

Businesses and individuals who financially support our efforts at any level will receive pictures and GPS coordinates of the well contributed to. Donating the following amounts designates you as a sponsor, whether you give to a specific runner or to the overall campaign goal. 


Previous + Business or individual’s name will appear on t shirt worn by group members on race day (Unless you prefer to remain anonymous)


Previous + Name OR logo on t shirt

GOLD $1000

Previous +  a framed picture of well dedication ceremony


Previous + 2 complimentary race shirts, AND Sponsor/business name to appear on a banner at the well site. You will also receive a shareable link to a personalized video of YOUR well being dedicated with special thanks to you or your business name. The banner will be presented to sponsor as a gift after returning to the US. 

Mail In Sponsorship Form

If you would rather sign up as a sponsor via mail, click here to download the Business Sponsor sign up form. (Click document title to download).


Since 2016, Running Water for the Living Water team members have provided OVER 200 WELLS! Click to experience a few of the well celebrations.